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2. Partnering in Latin

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"Partnering" is a buzzword to express a general term for couple dancing.


There are a number of difficulties in couples that drive many couples to change partners, sometimes even to give up dancing altogether.


It is extremely important to understand some basic requirements and much more important: "to want to have":


Our dancing consists of two genders who had one wish in common, namely thatfunto share on the music about movements, later step combinations.


This primal approach of dancing together should still be the "main reason" why one decides for this kind of art.

I had exactly this feeling when I was in the dance school. Great girls and lots of them... what fun!


Of course, the second approach can also be a physical challenge. Reaching peak performance and then coordinating with another body. A sporting aspect that cannot be dismissed out of hand, since today in the upper class segment people dance very energetically. Without leadership techniques, this can quickly lead to injuries and, above all, to attacks of frustration, since these energies cannot be traded.




2. The Partnering Package: (PP)

I have divided the partnering in the MLC into different levels.


The D/C - class ( example package )


In the starter area you need basic feelings for leading and following. It is very similar to "leaning" and a good, sufficient feeling should be developed for the beginning.


3 partnering hours for the "couple relationship" would certainly be a good start.

2 hours for hand movements, with HandsOn in the area of the figures. You should also see that you are aware of the hand movements and their interaction between left and right. 

2 hours for the 3 leadership techniques that I have gotten used to as "constant impulse and whipping" leadership technique over almost 30 years of experience. Again, these techniques will not be completed in 2 or 3 hours. But you have to understand the basic technique in order to continue working on it. As in footwork, this is an ongoing training study.



The following requirements should be met for this package:


1. I have a permanent dance partner with whom I will take these lessons.

2. I go to dance training at least 3 times a week for about 2 hours or more.

3. I already have basic knowledge of Latin dances,   have been training together on these dances for a year

4. I am over 15 years old.




The BAS/ professional classes ( example - package )


As already mentioned, partnering consists of leadership techniques. However, there is something more to a good dance partnership.

It's called "the blind understanding" which goes beyond coordination, timing and techniques and so on. There are emotional "consonances" that can be achieved through a deep understanding of the partners. You work on the techniques long enough for them to become the natural basis for learning this understanding.


You focus - you don't look. One feels - one does not move, one works intuitively via the synchronization of emotions, which are partly anticipated - partly will be divined.


5 hours "Understanding-Focusing-Emotions-Anticipating"! A BEGINNING for a high-class experience! It makes sense to talk beforehand to set goals and pursue them.



The following requirements should be met for this package:


1. I have a permanent dance partner with whom I will take these lessons.

2. I go to dance training at least 4 times a week for about 2.5 hours or more.

3. I already have basic knowledge of Latin dances,   have been training together on these dances for a year

4. I am over 18 years old. 


In the event of exceptions to these requirements, an appointment for a meeting will be arranged in advance.

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